Now Hiring

2024 Job Application

Thank you for wanting to be part of our TEAM! Take your time and fill out all parts of the application. We will process every application and get back with you shortly.
  • Select the highest level of education you have obtained
  • List last three (3) employers: a) basic job duties b) supervisor name & current contact number c) rate of pay d) dates employed e) reason for leaving position (REQUIRED)
  • Tell us about your awesomeness and how you will make the Julie's team even better.
  • Our store hours are Mon-Fri 10-6 and Sat 9:30-2:30, but we work all the time. So tell us when you can work and when you can't (prior commitments like school, travel plans, etc.). We have FULL-TIME and PART-TIME positions available, let us know which you prefer.
  • If you have performed the following in a PROFESSIONAL capacity, check all skills that apply
  • Which job are you applying for today?
  • (mark N/A if this does not apply)
  • List three (3) NON-FAMILY work references - name, company, phone, length of time you've known them.